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Privacy policy

I. General provisions

  1. The privacy policy specifies how Users' personal data necessary to provide electronic services via the website (hereinafter referred to as the Website) are collected, processed and stored.

  2. The website only collects personal data necessary to provide and develop the services offered there.

  3. Personal data collected via the Website are processed in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/ 46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as GDPR) and the Personal Data Protection Act of May 10, 2018.

II. Data controller

The administrator of personal data collected via the Website is Dorota Krestian, address: Pustynna 6, Kraków 30-440, NIP: 6760005420, REGON: 356281196, e-mail address: (hereinafter: Administrator).

III. Purpose of collecting personal data

  1. Personal data is used for the following purposes:

    • implementation of the contract regarding services and e-services,

    • communication with the User (livechat, contact form, etc.)

    • running a comment system,

    • providing community services,

    • marketing, remarketing, affiliation,

    • personalization of the Website for Users,

    • analytical and statistical activities,

    • debt collection,

    • establishing and pursuing claims or defending against them.

  2. Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to conclude a contract or use other functionalities of the Website.

IV. Type of personal data processed

The Administrator may process the User's personal data: name and surname, date of birth, residential address, e-mail address, telephone number, Tax Identification Number.

V. Personal data processing period

Users' personal data will be processed for the period:

  • when the basis for data processing is the performance of a contract - until the claims expire after its performance,

  • when the basis for data processing is consent - until its withdrawal, and after withdrawal of consent until the limitation period for claims.

In both cases, the limitation period is 6 years, and for claims for periodic benefits and claims related to running a business - 3 years (unless a specific provision provides otherwise).

VI. Sharing personal information

  • Users' personal data may be transferred to: entities related to the Administrator, its subcontractors, entities cooperating with the Administrator, e.g. companies handling e-payments, companies providing courier/postal services, law firms.

  • Users' personal data will not be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

VII. User Rights

  • The Website User has the right to: access the content of his or her personal data, rectify it, delete it, limit processing, transfer it, object to processing, withdraw consent at any time (which does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its consent). revocation).

  • The notification of the User exercising the rights arising from the above-mentioned rights should be sent to the following address: [e-mail address].

  • The Administrator complies or refuses to comply with the request immediately - within a maximum of one month of receiving it.

  • The user has the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office if he/she considers that the processing violates his/her rights and freedoms (GDPR).

VIII. Pliki cookies

  1. Serwis zbiera informacje za pomocą plików cookies – sesyjnych, stałych i podmiotów zewnętrznych.

  2. Zbieranie plików cookies wspiera poprawne świadczenie usług w Serwisie i służy celom statystycznym.

  3. Użytkownik może określić zakres dostępu plików cookies do swojego urządzenia w ustawieniach przeglądarki.

IX. Zautomatyzowane podejmowanie decyzji i profilowanie

  1. Dane Użytkowników nie mogą być przetwarzane w zautomatyzowany sposób tak, że na skutek tego mogłyby zapaść wobec nich jakiekolwiek decyzje.

  2. Dane Użytkowników mogą być profilowane celem dostosowania treści i personalizacji oferty po wyrażeniu przez nich zgody.

X. Postanowienia końcowe

  1. Administrator ma prawo do wprowadzenia zmian w Polityce prywatności, przy czym prawa Użytkowników nie zostaną ograniczone.

  2. Informacja o wprowadzonych zmianach pojawi się w formie komunikatu dostępnego w Serwisie.

  3. W sprawach nieuregulowanych w niniejszej Polityce prywatności obowiązują przepisy RODO i przepisy prawa polskiego.

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